Tijuana Bibles

8 pages of low class porn drawn with all the skill of a talented 8 year old future child rapist.  One of the two known artists was Wesley Morse, of Bazooka Joe fame.

Way to fucking go, Wes.

These were not printed in Tijuana.

These did not have a single publisher.  They started appearing on the American landscape in the twenties, and sold for a quarter to fifty cents in barber shops, bars, pool halls, any male hangout.  This is Moon Mullins.

 Gladstone Gander and Donald Duck.  This was probably the first time many guys found out they were not alone.  If you do not find this unspeakably repulsive then you are a tough audience.

Plastic Man.

Nancy and Sluggo.  This masterpiece of Western Civilization has it all.

I saw this one when I was 15.

1939, unless I miss my guess.

Something for everyone.  Post war saw the 'emergence' of far higher grade porn, hot models, color photos, the works.  For the longest time it was illegal.  Ha ha!  The only thing you get jailed for in the U. S. is porn involving children, other than that the sky's the limit.


I think this is for real.  Creative cropping!

Whoever came up with this should be writing for Saturday Night Live, lord knows they need the

Jack Chick.  These are some of the most hateful and ignorant fear mongering obscenities ever distributed.  Time was you could not go into a laundromat or phone booth without finding these.  The Tijuana Bible format is perfect for these.  The art is sometimes better.

The Church of the Subgenius reacts to Jack Chick's death.
Let there be Slack.

 I found one of these with Jimmy Cagney and I would kill the guy who drew that.  Cary Grant is fair game.

Gone but not forgotten.


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