
For even the Dead shall Fear Him, and there is No Escaping his Wiles, and his Dominion will be  Eternal-

Not of this Earth!

(Spencer the Spook ran from 1945 to 1955, predating Caspar and all the other comic ghosts of the era.  Hubie Karp and Ken Champin wrote and illustrated this...thing.  Ken Champin was a Warner's animator moonlighting for the American Comics Group.  Spencer ran in Giggle Comics, who's star was Superkatt.  In the 1980s an attempt was made to revive the character, but was sidelined by distributor bankruptcies.  This is issue 6 from July, 1987.  It is apparently in revival again.  (Jesus.  In Pace Requiscat)! 

1955 version.  Notice the hat.  Anyone who owns a cat knows that animals watch ghosts constantly, and are not alarmed by them.  That's right, I'm saying this cover is unrealistic!

May, 1958.  Deliberately drawn to look like Caspar.  Story by Stan Lee, art by Dan DeCarlo.  Yes, that Stan Lee.

(And yes, that Dan DeCarlo, the one who did the best girlie cartoons from the 1940s through the 1970s (in Humorama and other magazines). He also worked on the Archie Comics, giving Betty and Veronica that distinctive flair, which later artists aped.  DeCarlo went on to develop Josie and the Pussycats, named for his wife, Josette Marie Dumont "Josie" DeCarlo.  And, incidentally, yesterday (2019-12-12) was Don DeCarlo's 100th birthday).

 The above bio is from that most interestingly erudite of educated ursines, perfesser-bear, who often sees things that even the smartest, and most handsome, bunny will sometimes miss.  It seems the perfesser knows what he's talking about.

Timmy the Timid Ghost.  Written and drawn by Al Fago.  I really should say something about the green Irish hat in this and the preceding Homer cover, I really should.

Dr. Frederick Wertham could not have found his ass with a mirror.  Imagine going after something like EC comics and not noticing this very large turd in the American punchbowl.  "Spunk" is a perfect name. Is Ray Davies in the blue dress about to hit the laughing mouse on the floor?  Or is he supposed to be punishing Spunky for his cross-dressing temerity?  In doors owls indicate pretty lax sanitation.  What kinda witch wears polka dot Ladies Flower Club hats anyway?  This has the description 'The Smiling Spook'.  Cobwebs I understand, letting mice chew through your floorboards I don't.  I don't give a damn who wrote and drew this.

The Smiling Spook.

Caspar was imagined in 1939 by Seymour Reit and Joe Oriolo, and was first a cartoon released by Paramount in 1945.  These adventures of the Lindbergh baby have enthralled children of all IQ's, I mean ages, for over 70 years.  Durable, I'll give him that.  But so much for all white cute l'il ghosts.  Back to where we started-


Oh, I almost forgot.  Superkatt.  Dan Gordon. Here I should say something about my 'ghost post' but that would be sinking to the Spunky level.  This site is all about taste and integrity!


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