Some Of Our Comics

While going through our collection looking for my prize comics, I ran across some of these, I am putting them up to show the range of what we have.

Herbie, # 15.  Febuary 1966.  Ogden Whitney ended his career drawing this horror.  I think I bought this at a thrift store for a dollar, I sure did not buy it new, I would not have been seen dead with this when I was a kid.
I suspect Ogden was face down on the table by 2 in the afternoon, he used to be one of the greats.  He seems to have had an alcohol problem to the extreme.  He is also best remembered for Herbie, a real fucking shame.

Ogden Whitney, 1960.  This is Not from our collection.

  Ron Goulart has a very high opinion of this artist.  He was living in a Fifth Avenue apartment building, still there and very swank.  For the longest I could not find where he is buried, then -

perfesser-bear's avatar

wrote and told me that he is in the Whitney family graveyard, he is of the Eli Whitney people.  Thanks, big guy!

Blackhawk # 159.  April, 1961.
  I could have been given this but I was a toddler and none of those survived.  In other words, I don't know where I got this.  I loved Blackhawk and had a number of them.  All thrown away by my mom.

Spiderman # 100.  September, 1971.  I definitely bought this, there is a crease on the cover where I folded it and stuck it in my back pocket for the walk home.  I have to emphasize that comics had no value other than the cover price new.  I am amazed I have this one. 

The Demon # 1.  Aug- September 1972.  I was in Boy Scouts at this time. School was horrible, boring and stupid, but I had my comics and Jack London to read so I was barely there most of the time, the teacher would start talking and I would just go away.

Spiderman # 30.  November, 1965.  No way I could have held onto this all these years, this must be a scavenger find.  I have no memory of when I got this.

Spiderman # 33.  Febuary 1966.  Possibly bought new but I doubt it.  Garage sale score I would guess.

Found in a Half Books 15 years ago for 50 cents.  They did not know what they had, but the clerk and I had words over this.  TV show tie in, October 1992.  Bruce Timm Cover.  # 1. Pristine if not mint.

John Carter, Warlord Of Mars.  June, 1977.  I was living in my first apartment when I bought this, one of the last mainstream comics I ever bought new.

Weird Science # 12, EC Comics.  This is the only original EC we own, March 1952, Wally Wood cover.  Not in very good condition, my brother gave it to me for my birthday when I got off active duty.  I think this is the first time I ever took it out of the plastic.

Nick Fury, Agent Of Shield # 1.  June, 1968, Jim Steranko cover.  I have all but one of the Jim Steranko Marvel Covers, in 1997 I started to buy the one I lacked but balked at the 80 dollar price tag.  This one is in bad condition but I love it all the same.  Somewhere I must have another box of these comics because some of my very best are not here.  I probably put them aside for safety and forgot where I put them.  
What Man despises God takes away.


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