
September 13, 1962, near Hatfield, Herfordshire.  15 year old Mick Sutterby is mowing the de Havilland Hatfield airstrip edges with a side mower and has just told the photographer, Jim Meads, to leave as he was not supposed to be there. Meads was there to photograph another pilot he thought was flying the English Electric F1 interceptor.  The plane was on the landing approach when the controls failed due to a fire in the rear fuselage.  The pilot, George Aird, ejected at his first and only chance to do so, coming down in a greenhouse, breaking both legs and his right thigh.  He regained consciousness when the sprinklers in the greenhouse activated.

You can see the hole in the greenhouse roof. 

The only British fighter capable of Mach 2, retired in the eighties.  Not this one, this is the one in the crash photo.  Said photo was thought a fake until the British government tried to suppress it.
Fookin' wankers.


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