
Here is the annual Parade of Bunnies. My senior cat Jinjur has dealt herself in. One would be forgiven for thinking that is a white carpet in front of a wood burning fireplace, but that is wrong. What it really is is a cat's bathroom. Here little Mischa is caught red handed about to do something involving flowers and floors. She is terrorizing the house like it is her job. Which it is. I hate you so much. Make with the treats. This is the Rockport cemetery. As you can see, this guy was in the Mexican war, and was a CSA surgeon. There is a large section here that is all 1918, from the Influenza thing. Pic by my brother. He is real good at composing a photo. I was looking at the pic my brother sent and I thought of this, my favorite stone. This woman was a retired schoolteacher, and she loved cats. I love whimsy unto forever, so this is...