Mingo In Repose

I gave my devil cat, Mingo, a bath and shampoo today.  He has been recently neutered and his cheeks have gone down about an inch on each side.  He is about seven.  I found him hanging by his back leg from a wire fence when I had my pasture.  How he squalled!  He has spent his life making trouble for the other cats.  When Stonewall was dying, I shut him up in my shed while I went to town for mineral oil, the idea being to dose Stony in one last attempt to save his life.  I was praying he would die while I was gone.  When I got back, I opened the shed and there was Stoney in convulsions, with Mingo sitting next to him and watching him.  Stonewall absolutely hated Mingo, and when I opened the shed Stoney hissed at Mingo and died.  If I had been half a minute later I would have missed this.  Mingo did not hate Stonewall and I thought he was very considerate as he watched him.  I am sorry Stoney did not have someone he loved i.e. me around him while he died, but I doubt he was very much aware of his surroundings.  I have no idea what the poison was, but I lost three cats in a short time.  There is a Hell for those who are cruel to animals.
Oh, and the poison was Warfarin, and they did not get if from the wild.  It was administered.

Mingo is always embarrassed by attention unless it is accompanied by food and affection.  Here he violently reacts to me taking his picture.

 Mingo plans a raid on the dry food.  Lately my bagged food has been being torn open, the result of an animal thinking he is hungry when he is the most spoiled and fussed over cat in Texas.  I am watching you, buddy!

Devil Cat.  Cats are half in, half out, anyway.

A found photo.  Who is this?  Where?  The child might still be alive, so might the woman.
I am insatiably curious about such things.  Here I get a still from the chronoscope that is not meant for me but I have it all the same.

Another. Who is this?  Where?  Sometime in the fifties, this is a pretty girl.  Why do I have this?
This arrangement of silver nitrate on paper was never meant for me.  
Well, that is all for this evening.  It has been a wet day.  I cooked spaghetti for supper.  The rest of the family is downstairs watching a mystery.  Everyone but me likes my latest batch of brownies.  I thought them far too gooey.  I like more cake - like sweets, but I don't have much appetite for treats now.  Mingo does.  Mischa plays with him as he is the youngest.  The two older cats, Jinjur and Jango, do not like being swatted by a young street kitten.  Mingo, a bully himself, just lays there and cries as Mischa gnaws on his tail.  This goes on all night.  Well, good night to all.  Tomorrow will be a better day.  
Oh, yeah, a respected artist died Thursday at age 59.  His name was Albert Temple and he seems to have really been somebody.  All the pro artists on FurAffinity are going on about it and I made a fool of myself chiming in on a cartoon that was mourning him.  His main character was Catlow. 
Since I didn't know him just like I hardly know anyone I will not post any pictures.  I am always sorry when anyone dies and Mr. Temple seems to have given a lot of joy to a lot of people.  That is not a bad thing to have said about you.
I said I would not post a picture, but this guy's death has upset many people on FA, so here is a sample of his work.  He is one of the early Furry artists and although I did not know him or his work he and it seems to really have been something.  And his bunny, Cotton Taylor, hits it out of the park.  Excellent.

One thing - Mr. Temple is the creator of Kit and Kayboodle, an absolutely terrible and extremely fucked up comic.  But hey, I should talk.



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