Jango Is Sick Today

Jango is 15 years old.  He is the sweetest and most retiring cat I have ever had.  He has been ill since last night.  The vet thinks it is just that he is old.  I found him living in the engine compartment of a neighbors car and brought him home to be a companion for Jinjur.  He never makes a fuss or asks for anything special.  I love him very much and I always will.  I hope he is going to be alright.  It is a lovely day down here.  Jango has left my guitar case and has moved to a window.  He is laying there now watching the squirrels and doves fight over the cracked corn I put out.  There is a trapeze thing for the squirrels to get corn off of and my cats lay at the window and switch their tails and gnash their teeth.  Jango is just looking outside and he purrs when I walk over and stroke him.

Jango Sillycat.

This is Jango and Jinjur, respectively.  He is 15 and she is 16.  They are both rescue cats.  Jango is the sweetest cat ever.  4 years ago he watched as Phoebe was killed by the neighbor's pit bulls, and after that he hid all night out in the woods.    The significance of this is that when Kit Carson was accompanying the U. S. Army up to Fort Phil Kearney in 1866  he would go out at night and sleep away from the laager of soldiers.  They thought this was hilarious.  They should have been scared to death.  Had they been so 80 of them would have lived until 1867.  But back to Jango.  His lopped ear is the result of an infection that was bad even for a cat.  Jinjur showed up at the trailer park I lived at in 2001.  She was just a kitten.  At the time I had a no pets policy that had been in place since I was divorced.  I fed her, and a couple of days later I looked across the street and she was staring at me.  I walked over and got her and I love her more every day.  She has very little use for me except for the treats thing.
The guitar case cost me 15 bucks at a thrift, and it came with a battered JOM mariachi guitar that I have put back into service although it looks like hell. Cats prefer sitting inside things, the smaller and tighter the better.  It has been this way for a long time.

A very long time.  And, you gotta have 2 cats.


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