Here Is A Poster I Bought For 25 Cents Today

With Mischa.

Minus Mischa.

I guess this is iconic.  I don't like this draft dodging spoiled little bastard.

This poster is by the Verkerke company and is signed Alex or possibly Alexo.  I cannot find it in the company catalog or on google images.  I think this was a real score, surely I can locate the artist to give him/her credit.  But did find a cool site while looking for info-

How appropriate, I take my second guitar lesson Monday.  I gave up on trying to learn on my own, I had fun, but I can not play.

Photo by Paul Mansley.  The site is tinybunnywoman, check it out.

Found him!  His name is Alex Rinesch and he was geboren in Wien 1955.  Seems to be pretty successful.

Alex Rinesch.

Gee, I like him already.


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