A Short Story Out Of Nowhere

Quid Pro Quo

By Mister "H"

The Roars are quite hear, the swinging of swords all but the dropping of pins. The swish of purple robes of state not a hesitant noise here above the encircled crowds. The emperor waves, greyish Romulus paws greeting to the masses below. His wolf eyes gazed at the audience in all their enthralled will. He takes a seat and sips his sublime wine. It is for the games to begin again for this time.
The clinking of gates heaving with the tide of the eager throngs. A simple name, champion again and again. Dust revealing at the portcullis a giant myrmidon tiger flipping his trident with bulging muscle and toothy grin. Net vested in his hand. Slanted catish eye narrowing down at foe. He licks his teeth, egging up the crowds.
“Gouron, Gouron, Gouron,” they yell.
Not to say the bunny is dead man. He has won before, 59 times in a row to be exact.
What words to say?
Not a skinny rabbit, if that were to be what it is to be called.
Lapine whiskers twitch, eyes meet eyes. Laminar armor shines on his thick brown hide. Just like the glinting Parma, gladius, and his pilum.
“Die”, the tiger screams reaching with his trident with much speed. The crowd cheers in aptitude and a maid or two flush with blush faints within their seats.
“Quid Pro Quo,” The rabbit leers,
“What?” the myrmidon stops perplexed, half way through his Charge.
“Means, you in turn,” the tiger stumbles, red Parma clings of his heavy helm of bronze sending it a scatter. There is a loud snap of wood. The tiger barely shouldering the rabbit’s pilum haft to dust. Long brown ears flick, only jeering leering crowds.
He barley ducks as the trident whirls and unsheathed claws search the empty air. Ducking, weaving move the pair. Down the arena back and forth again. The net is thrown. Soon the bunny cornered struggling in the mesh, the tiger snarls with laughter, at last he will be the champion. In the afternoon light he forward leans claws outstretched. Yes pressed to the wall the rabbit heaves and kicks. Flipping of the wall he twirls around, wheeling sheening gladius up around. The net drops upon its master. With smooth finesses the blade slashes down through tiger’s face, trident too buckling under its embrace. With a heavy thud, black and orange strips pooling with his blood the tiger lye.
“Quid Pro Quo,” he waves at the tiger, “Told you I’m the best”
The rabbit walks into the crowds as dense as brick ignoring thrown crops and harder coins dining in the sand.
With heavy sigh the emperor stands raising hands. Ears bent in shape and forbidding ire looming on the brow. “Our Champion BILLY Stands, 60th victory to celebrate!”
For that is what he does the after the diminished crowds and aptitudes. He even ignores the baths marching to the nearest Popina.
Picking upon a wine he drowns himself. In that moment admiring the buxom mouse maid servant eyily. Her tail quivers as he reaches around, musk strong and breath long lost to drink.
He flexes, “babe, I beat Quorn the beast.” Her nose twinkles and black eyes search hoping to escape.
“I’m the best, champion of the arena kills and fields,” he does another flex. “Quid Pro Quo, you owe me another drink, 60 tourney wins is not an easy streak. Then after that, you can bathe my bode, my little mousey dame.”
Her fur shivers as she reaches towards another glass of wine. As she hands it to him, its then she sees her opportunity.
As he drinks it urgently, liquid disappearing hungrily, She seizes the ladle of the mantle hurriedly.
He never sees it coming square between the eyes. The thwack is loud, the crowd cheers as he slumps upon the table.
“Quid Pro Quo,” she murmurs looking down as the crowd heaves him out, “guess that makes me champion.”

Waking up a day and a half late… Billy blinks his tired and throbbing head. Must have been a wild party night? With that he makes his way to the games and gates. Simply, another day as “champion.”

Silly rabbit.  Tricks are for kids!

This story was a gift from H-----, and it was totally unexpected.  I am honored to post this here, such a great talent.  I would put up his address but I have been threatened with much glaring and gnashing of teeth not to do so.  However, that day will come....


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