This Is Starting To Become Depressing

Bernie Wrightson died today in Austin, Texas.  He has been one of my favorites for decades.  He was only 68, and had been dealing with brain cancer.  There is nothing I can say about how sorry I am or what a loss this is to comic art fans everywhere.  The following pictures I am going to post with little comment.

Batman and the Joker.

Swamp Thing number 1.  I have this.

Creepy # 64.

Highway to Hell.

I remember finding this in the Plano, Texas library in '86 and thinking now how cool is this?  A comic artist illustrating such a dull and wonderful book!


Jenifer. Creepy # 63.

Always a problem.

Now here is a splash panel!


From Frankenstein. 


I have loved his work since I was a teen.  You can see why.

Conan and Werewolf.

This is just too much!

Who Goes There?

He was 21 when this was done.

He got the best assignments.

What a card he was!  O.K. now stand by for awesome-

Mike Kaluta, Jeff Jones, Bernie Wrightson, Barry Windsor-Smith.  OMG!

I sure hate to say this:



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