
Here is the annual Parade of Bunnies.  My senior cat Jinjur has dealt herself in.  One would be forgiven for thinking that is a white carpet in front of a wood burning fireplace, but that is wrong.  What it really is is a cat's bathroom. 

Here little Mischa is caught red handed about to do something involving flowers and floors.  She is terrorizing the house like it is her job.  Which it is.

I hate you so much.  Make with the treats.

This is the Rockport cemetery.  As you can see, this guy was  in the Mexican war, and was a CSA surgeon.  There is a large section here that is all 1918, from the Influenza thing.  Pic by my brother.  He is real good at composing a photo.

I was looking at the pic my brother sent and I thought of this, my favorite stone.  This woman was a retired schoolteacher, and she loved cats.  I love whimsy unto forever, so this is super cool.

Me.  1959, 2001.  The newer picture is one of my headshots.  

Me at fourteen.  Pastel drawn at the Texas State Fair.  I don't know or care who drew it.

Here is Mischa's bane.

Promotional photo for Fox and Jacob homes, c. 1962.  Mom, my sister, me and dad.

All three one dollar each.  The parrot must weigh about two pounds.
That's what I did today instead of drawing.  I also practiced guitar.


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