
Henry Darger.

This is titled as Skies.  I doubt that is what the artist called it.  
Henry Darger.

One of his threatened children scene's.  His entire Vivian girl thing is so fucking weird.  Think of this tiny impoverished janitor going back to his room and just living to draw out his inner world.  What a mindblower.  Thank God that this stuff was not thrown out.

What do you get when you cross a Pride parade with the Fourth of July?

By Golly, there is just something er, ...different about this fellow!

An aspect of Zeus-Amon.

No one has any idea why he drew the girls this way.  This is certainly not innocent, but as he never bothered anyone these pictures have a magnetism about them that enables one to look at them without making moral judgements about the creator.  Except that he was all fucked up.

I sure would like to read his book.

I remember my first acid trip!

Elsie Paroubek.

The documentary, a must see-


Now this is for Rebecca T. and the good people at Artsy.  They are on a mission to make the world's art accessible to all online.  She asks me to link to their site.  All though this post could not be more amateurish, I am honored to help them.

There you go, Rebecca T.  Best of luck to y'all!


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