Antoly Moskvin

Antoly Yurevitch Moskin.
Respected academic, philologist specializing in Celtic languages, grave robber, whackjob.

This...human had twenty six mummified little girls, ages 3 to 15, scattered around his apartment.  He was a regular contributor to Necrologies, a weekly magazine concerning dead people, and, considering the name, not at all surprising a forum for this guy.  He did not smoke or drink, but lived with his parents.  

Dead girl.

Dead girl.  He would apply make-up and lipstick to the girls, throw birthday parties for them, and put music boxes inside their rib cages.

Dead girl.

Dead girl.

Dead girl.

 Judged as a paranoid schizophrenic,  he has been locked away.  High fucking time and all.  He went and dug up these children, mummified them and brought them home.  He used tape and other things to pad out the bodies.  Classic.  I mean, we have Ed Gein and all but this is over the top by anyone's standards.  I have posted on Carl Tanzier but that is like something out of Archie comics compared to this Slavic scapegrace!

Dr. Carl Tanzier.

The idea,...

The reality.  At least the good doctor got to have sex with his inamorata!  (This has been alleged.  I don't see how).

A Correction

This space was a picture of one of Ed Gein's victims.  I have been thinking on the propriety of putting up such an image and how I would feel if she was of my family.  While this is a well known photo, her relatives are still around and it is wrong for me to post such an abomination.
Uh,...I took down the picture I had up.  Back to the article.

Ed Gein on right.  This could be a Warner's film noir, so exact is the contrast and posing.  Wisconsin does not have the death penalty, and one wonders why.  Not to execute people like this is a mockery of all that is decent.  

Box in Gein's house, Plainfield, Wisconsin.

From Russia with love.

Das vedanya.


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