Moonrabbit 2

I thought I had posted the original of this back when I first drew it but it seems it only went to FurAffinity.  This was one of my default Starbucks drawings, where I draw warrior bunnies the way I would like to look.  These pictures tend to be static so this one I tried to amp up with an angel of death drawing his wing over Flamma.  Silly and poorly drawn, I tried to cover it all with graphite.  No good.  When I originally drew this, the two guys next to me in the coffee shop got up to leave and one of them said "Hot"! to me about the drawing, but I did not respond because without absolute certainty someone is talking to me that is how I react.  I feel bad because it was a compliment and I should always thank someone for that.  And then I ruined the drawing.  Well, this is what is left.   I may take ink to it today, always a last resort for me.

I posted the earlier version of this before I fucked it up with graphite.  Live and learn.

I blame society.


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