
This is Catlow, by the furry artist Albert Temple.  I ran across this when I first started this site but lost sight of it, a real shame.  As I understand it Albert was one of the original furrys, along with such luminaries as Ken Fletcher , Major Matt, the entire Spontoon Island gang, and many others.  Mr. Temple died a few months ago.

This guy was really good.

His co-creator and significant other was Tawana Gilroy, Cats Whisker.

Because I cannot find a picture of Albert and Tawana together, this will have to do.  I guess I am glad I did not know Mr. Temple, the death of friends always affects me greatly.  He seems to have been something else, and the outpouring of grief on FA was genuine and across the board.

The rabbit is Cotton Taylor.  Mr. Temple's death was a loss for us all.

Disney grade storytelling.
My site promotes cute anthro bunnies, and this is one of the best I have ever seen.  Not a bloodthirsty, neurotic, dangerous rabbit at all.
What is this furry world coming to?

 I just found his page.  This is a continuation of the strip above.  Cotton discovers a supercoffee that gives him powers, including super speed and the ability to read minds.  What a shame I am just now getting into this.  This is from the year 2000.

But see for yourself.

Oh, yeah, Mr. Temple also brought us Kit n Kayboodle, proving that the forces of evil are everywhere-

No denying the elegance of the concept.


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