The World As We Know It


This is from Steve.  He is my brother.  His artwork is not exactly linear in thought. s_davisart on Instagram, if you would like to contact him yourself and tell him how confusing his work is, as he won't listen to a damn thing I tell him.  What does it mean?  gets me a blank stare, and his pity for my lack of vision.  After all, I draw talking rabbits.  This is a talking donkey, so deal with it.  He also sent me this today, and tells me he has no idea what it means-

Philip Vincent.  "Lamentations of Germany".  Oh, I see.  Well, it seems that Mr. Vincent is English, but no one knows for sure anything about him.  The Lamentations is about the 30 years war, plenty of scope for some Extremely Interesting Reading here.  I have no idea what is going on in the above etching, but it don't look good.  Here is another from the Germany thing-

You can see where he is going with this.  The Thirty Years Imbroglio was pretty nasty, and cannibalism was part of the entire bad trip.  See "The Last Valley", Omar Sharif and Michael Caine.  Good movie, good history.  Spiked helmet fu.  Fortified castle frontal assault against cannons and wheelocks fu.  Gratuitous suspicious underling dead in ordure scene.  Omar Sharif as an itinerant professor.  Caine as a mercenary captain.  James Clavell wrote this.  J. B. Pick wrote the book.

Hiemat Hi-Jinks!

And would you get a load of Brian Blessed with the poignard!

Gott mit uns!


  1. You posted this on my birthday!!
    I liked Brian Blessed's hair and outfit, he was punk before there was punk! Alas, he got shanked way early on in the story.


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