Sundappled Darling!

This was taken about two feet from our T.V. room window.  It is curious that a Texas coastal city would be overrun with deer, but we are.  She has a little fawn with her that is just out of view.  Sometimes in the evening I will look up from my guitar and there will be a ring of six or seven deer just staring at me.  I am so fond of watching them that the only way I could shoot one would be extreme hunger.  In some cities they have to be culled, for these lovely and graceful creatures are responsible for more deaths than any other animal in the U.S.  Even if one is careful a deer can and will jump in front of a car on any road most unexpected like.  I have read that Canberra has a similar problem with Kangaroo's.

That is really too bad because 'roos are among the most adorable of all God's creatures.  So are deer.

I scatter corn and bread out here so my cat Mischa can watch the birds and squirrels, and I can watch Mischa switch her tail and chatter her teeth.  Mischa is very cute as are the outdoor animals, but what is going through her head is doubtless as red and primal as it can get. The alpha squirrel likes to eat right in front of the window, and he wiggles his ass so that Mischa can get a real good look.   Our television set is about a foot to the left of this picture.  The other side of the trees behind the deer is a golf fairway.  The deer's body is pointed directly at the Gulf, or actually Little Bay, part of the Laguna Madre, the bay formed by the coast and Padre Island.  It has a unique ecosystem, and is home to some of the best sportfishing in the world.

There is no legal limit on how many Blue Marlins one can catch in a day.  Good luck with that!

My brother took the deer pictures, but it was me who put out the red pepper.  Now we got a photograph!


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