But I Trusted Talking Rabbits!

Whatever you guys do, don't throw me into that bar over there!
This sure looks like the work of Bill Peet to me.


Yes, it is.

Bill Peet, Br'er  Rabbit, Song of the South.  This is one of the best artists I have ever seen.  Michaelangelo? Da Vinci? Chris Burden?  Not even on the list.  Where are their bunnies?


Br'er Rabbit meets the tarbaby, Song of the South.


I cannot find a clip of this with the original audio in it, it has been narrated.  Either this is a Disney copyright thing, or just the vagaries of the net.  As usual, the art and animation are out of hand.  There is a part two that does have the original voices in it, but this is what I wanted to show.

Thump thump, Neo.

Deep, dark, inviting.  Calling Dr. Freud!

But only the very best butter.  Wow, is this one fucked up adaption of a slam dunk story!

Just as well the Mouse did not get hold of this.  The art would be much better but all the singing and dancing would not advance the story at all.

Warner's gets into the act.  See http://www.lileks.com/institute/frahm/

C'est Moi!

When I first watched this the Vietnam war was raging.  I don't think popular culture was paying much attention, despite the seriousness of the disaster ongoing.  We really should have been getting our future soldiers more focused on what we are now living amidst of.  Television should have been doubling down on Jonny Quest.

See what I mean?

I love thrift stores.

Br'er Rabbit and the Tar Baby, E. W. Kemble.

Br'er Rabbit and the Tar Baby, signed K.B. Frost.

Many cultures have traditions of Trickster Rabbits.

Many very different cultures.

Not all cute bunnies are cute bunnies.

I missed this Saturday morning Anthrogony.   Just as well.

Blackjack O'Hare and his friend, Rocket Racoon.
A Hero For Our Times!

Speaking of heroes, there are none quite like Usagi the bodyguard.  Stan Sakai.

 E. Aster Bunnymund, Rise of the Guardians.  Not your standard depiction of an Easter Bunny.

The Basics.  Harry Rountree

Br'er Rabbit steals Sis Cow's Milk.  Picture by Harry Rountree, and real good too.

Rr'er Rabbit at home.  Art by Henry (wait for it)!...Fox!

Henry Fox.

Christopher Burch, Br'er Rabbit and Br'er Death in the Land of Shadows.

Christopher Burch.  This is from an exhibition in San Francisco and it is worth looking at.  The other artist involved is John Felix Arnold III and this is some very intriguing artwork, but not all talking rabbit related.  Check it out.


The Velveteen Rabbit, Dan Daily.

Schnuffel Bunny.  This is a hyper cute German ring tone rabbit apparently singing a love song to that suggestive carrot he is hugging.


The horror.

What?  You've read this all the way to the end?  You seriously need to be getting laid or something!


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