Flag, Rockport Cemetary

My brother snaps another.  He gets such great pictures out of his camera phone.  Now if this just had a couple of fighter jets heading at the viewer.

I admire patriots:

Purity of Essence.

It took decades for Marvel et al to realize that kids do not empathize with child sidekicks.  Bucky aside, this is the very depiction of  USA ascendant.  Of course, HYDRA was a worthy adversary, unlike some other terrorist groups I could name.

The last Bush administration should have taken this attitude, at least they would have struck people as evil and dangerous, rather than evil and foolish.  Trust me on this, far better to be feared than laughed at!

America is going to hit back, and fuck the criticism of the world.  Look at the way the "World" conducts it's affairs, and then tell me why we should listen to their opinion on anything other than art and cuisine.

  A hard rain's gonna fall.


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