Anthropomorphic Agitprop!


Dorogu Kukuruzyeh, Na Fermi!   (Дорогу кукурузе, на фермы)!  Artist unknown.

Make Way For Corn, On To The Farm!

Soviet poster from Khrushchev's corn campaign, 1955.  For a few years corn thrived on Soviet soil when there was a short period of hot summers. After this small success, Khrushchev pushed for even more radical agricultural goals. However, the Soviet over-extension into colder territories that couldn’t support the growth of corn coupled with a lack in agricultural technology and an absence of a proper climate, corn started to fail the Soviet economy. The Soviet Union did not put forth the quantities they predicted, and so the popularity of it as a staple food as well as Khrushchev’s own popularity plummeted.  It was mostly used to feed the livestock, so in the propaganda poster we see many animals that would in theory be eating the corn.  In 1962 the corn crop tanked dramatically and some 80 percent of it was lost, the labor involved was three times that of wheat, and the hay production had declined throughout the country, from 64 million tons in 1953 to 47 million in 1965.  By aggressively expanding acreage without consideration of climate or labor availability this became a major agricultural disaster.
In this superior picture the corn is 'passing in review', they have just executed an 'eyes right'.  The one second from left has his stalk held incorrectly and will get an earful from his sergeant.

Oh, Hell, why not.  Here is a poster from the other side of Poland-

Hamsterin, Schäme Dich!  (Hoarders, Shame On You)!  1940s, duh.
I swear to God on a stack of bibles that the German word for hoarder is hamster. The artist is Max Eschle. 
And my comments section is jammed, I cannot access them.  I have written to Google but good luck with that, another flaw in another flawed system.


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