Wonder Wart Hog!


Wonder was created by Gilbert Shelton in 1962.  Wonder Wart-Hog is the son of the rulers of the planet Squootpeep, sent to Earth by rocket when Squootpeep's scientists predict the planet will soon explode. (In fact it does not.) The infant porker is raised in America by hillbillies, not out of affection, but because his invulnerability prevents his being killed and cooked. (Wiki).  His secret identity is that of Gilbert Desanex, reporter for the Muthalode Morning Mungpie.

 A standard Philbert appearance.

The 'Hog of Steel' is borderline retarded.

An original page, up for sale.  Mr. Shelton is no respecter of politicians or hypocritical values.

Wonder is a formidable opponent.

He has had many strange adventures.

A concerned citizen.

He has had his ups and downs through the years.

But Wonder does OK.

Wonder has often appeared with these, The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers.  In spite of the name, they are of no interest to us anthro types.  The cat, Fat Freddy's Cat or F. Frederick Skitty, is an anthropomorphic character who is often featured in his own wacky, far out stories.

As I was saying.  To those who ask, what possible good can come out of Austin?  I reply, Behold!

Sleep tight, America, for we still have heroes.
Rabbits need not apply.


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