Tales Of The Jackalope

1986, Blackthorne Publishing.  Blackthorne was in business from 1985 to 1990, they put out a 3-D adaption of Michael Jackson's moonwalker and the resultant (should have known better) disaster folded them under.  Too bad, this was a good imprint.  Tales of the Jackalope is by Robert L. Crab.

An inspiration for Hybrid Online.  Fantographics, 1985 - 1990.

A shame that this went under, I like Mr. Crab's art and writing.  But then again, the Texas Jackalope is what all of us regular rabbits aspire to be.  Perhaps someday...

Alas, it will never be.  Nature don't work that way!

Achtung, Wolpertinger! Albrecht Durer.  1502



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