30-30 From BraveStarr!

30-30. BraveStarr.  He is an anthro horse with great hair, and he is just totally ripped. He is the last of an ancient race known as the Equestroids, cybernetic sentient horses, able to transform between bipedal and a more normal, to us, horse shape for greater speed.  This also makes for a better fit on the dance floor.

The Action Figure.  Gosh, that is a really big gun!

30-30 Goes Camping, 1988.
If I were these guys I would avoid the word 'camp' as fast as I could.

This wasn't around while I was growing up.  We watched Johnny Quest.

A wholesome, American role model!

de Werther Delladera, fan art.

 I would be justified, yes I would, if I put in a link to 'Dancing Cheek to Cheek', but I have a reputation for cold, objective writing so this will have to do:


 Someday I should talk about fetish wear.

I wonder if the concept of symbolism ever occurred to these artists.  Here is a rare picture of Marshal Bravestarr and 30-30 in action together.
It's entirely possible that nobody was double checking the artwork and missed this.  It has happened.  These are adults drawing strange-o cartoons for children, you know.

Tails and manes work for horses, that is quadruped horses.  For bipedal warriors these things are known as 'handles'.
See what I mean about the dance floor?

Happy Trails. 


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