Captain Billy O'Hare!

Billy as Bucky O'Hare.  For those of you who may not know Bucky, he was star of a short lived 13 episode cartoon 1991 - 1992.  His creators were writer Larry Hama and artist Mike Golden.  Bucky is captain of the Righteous Indignation, a S.P.A.C.E. warship.  S.P.A.C.E. stands for Sentient Protoplasm Against Colonial Encroachment, said encroachment being the evil toads as guided by their evil overlord KOMPLEX, a computer.  The cat girl thing is a crewman named Jenny, a psionic pilot magician from Aldebaran.  They are locked into a death struggle known as the Toad Wars.  There are other crewman, including a 4 armed duck who is handy with a pistol.
I never saw this back in the day, and am only aware of it because it is my job to know about talking rabbits.  I have tried to watch the first episode, but it don't get if for me.  In fact, I think this cartoon makes Clutch Cargo and his pals Spinner and Paddlefoot look like 2001.  Just sayin'.  But some people saw it as kids and liked it.  One of those was that outstanding artist Leothefox from Deviant Art.  Very well, this post is dedicated to him.  He makes his own animated stuff and very good it is too.  

Leo talked me into returning to Deviant Art, which I left in a snit.  He is a great artist and a wonderful person.  Here is one of his witty and well done cartoons-

And here is Captain Bucky-

And now First Mate Jenny-

Not the best picture but there is a lot of Rule 34 porn out there of her, and Bucky, so I thought this picture best.  Not being a devotee I cannot always tell fan art from the cartoon, wretched though it is.  By the way, Mike Golden's artwork is superior.   Here is the Wiki entry for the entire Bucky thing:

 It's a wonder any of us survived childhood.


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