Jaxxon, Rocket Rabbit

My distinguished colleague and fellow Imperial Sardaukar MercenaryBlade brought this guy to my attention this morning.  Meet Jaxxon, a Lepi space smuggler.
"In Star Wars issue #8 the character of Jaxxon was introduced, who is a talking rabbit that teams up with Han Solo and others to form the Star-Hoppers of Aduba-3. This storyline was a blatant homage to The Magnificent Seven and saw the band team together to take down a villain called Serji-X Arrogantus".  Indeed.

This character was very unpopular with the fans of the franchise who thought a talking space rabbit unrealistic.  (I guess a gay robot and soldiers that couldn't hit a Death Star with a blaster at point blank range were their idea of cinéma vérité).  I was a teen when these comics came out and I felt they lacked the grandeur and sweep of Spiderman and the Incredible Hulk so I did not buy the first one, more's the pity.  Jaxxon's ship is named The Rabbit's Foot.

 Signed MP.  Walt's signature was designed by an animator and is not his.  Is it me or does Jaxxon look similar to another space rabbit?

That's Captain O'Hare to all you enlisted scum.  This is by Mike Golden, Bucky's original artist.  Bucky is the creation of Larry Hama, one of those guys whose life is more incredible than any comic, and he says he was unaware of Jaxxon at the time of Bucky's creation.  Interestingly enough, supposedly Stan Lee was unaware of the Doom Patrol when he published X-Men, both about groups of misfits led by a scientist in a wheelchair that came out in 1963.  The difference between Stan Lee and Larry Hama is that I wouldn't insist on cutting the cards when Larry was dealing.  Jaxxon's full name is Jaxxon T. Tumperakki.  The name 'Jaxxon' is a reference to Bugs Bunny's habit of calling people by that name, like 'Sparky' or 'Cochise'.

This is one dapper green 6 foot tall space rabbit.  The girl is Amaiza Foxtrain.  Jaxxon is the creation of Marvel editor Roy Thomas and that superior artist Howard Chaykin.

Jaxxon has been drawn by many different artists.

Stan Sakai, the warrior bunny expert supreme, weighs in with his version.

It is beyond irritating that so many of this images are not credited, but this is excellent, whoever drew it.

For all you ref sheet freaks.

 Jaxxon ain't no pushover.


The ultimate cultural accolade.

Just a matter of time, I suppose.  Credited to a 'Spencer'.

A mystery.

Uh...Jaxxon doesn't have a tail.  A bunny's pride and joy, and these jokers leave it off.  The Star Wars franchise has gone downhill since 1977, and now you know why.

What's up, dick?

Anyone can be infantry, it takes savvy to keep a machine running.  Just ask Mercenary Blade.

There was once a king with two sons, one was evil and the other was good.  When asked which was which, the king replied,  'Ah!  I forget.  That is why I named them as I did, for one is Either and the other is Neither.  So Either is Neither and Neither is Either'.
I hope I have made myself clear.

Talking rabbits are just weird.


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