
 The Kzinti are a savage, bloodthirsty, catlike race locked in war with mankind.  These things are nothing but trouble.

 'Dad's Home' by Larry Elmore.  Fun loving kittens play a practical joke on father.  Cover art for 'The Children's Hour', Jerry Pournelle and S. M. Stirling.

Two Kzinti with a female Kzin, a Kzinrret.  Kzinrret are treated as chattel and are only used for reproduction, intelligent ones are killed.  Because of this, the Kzinti are vulnerable to human females (Manrretti) as they ignore all women and forget how dangerous the race of Man can be.  Larry Elmore.

'Twas the women, not the warriors, turned those stark enthusiasts pale.
  For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.

8 feet and 500 lbs.  Hell to get out of a bar if they don't want to leave.
 Chmee the Kzin from Larry Niven's "Known Space".

 Pristichampsus's avatar

These books look pretty durn good.
These tiger things haven't met anthro bunnies yet, but they will.


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