More Animal Comics
Animal Comics #15, credited to Walt Kelly, but I don't believe that. Aha! This is by Tom Golden, 'story' by John Stanley.
The cognoscenti will notice the name 'Dan Gordon' on this.
Dan Gordon will get his own post soon, but for those who may be unfamiliar with the name, does 'The Flintstones' ring any bells? Gordon is like unto Hercules!
Comics #16, Aug-Sep. 1945. Thus Dell celebrates the fall of Japan.
The only funny thing about this Walt Kelly cover is the proto-crinklefur
in the pink undies, here we see why rabbits in the wild live for about 2
years max. And why not wear a top hat to play baseball? It's a free
country, ain't it? That Jap's a sap, we slapped his yap!
Walt Kelly.
Mixed Families, Animal Comics #18, Dec 1945-Jan 1946
Uncle Wiggly
Animal Comics # 20 April-May 1946. Walt Kelly
The fastidious animal in this is Ricky Raccoon.

Only so many alliterative beaver names to go around, I guess.
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